What we do

What happens in practice?

We help manage transitions faster and more effectively.

We adopt a similar approach whether consulting for change or coaching, facilitating & training as part of a change programme.


The most effective solutions involve & engage all who have a stake in the outcome so we make sure to agree role & scope with everyone concerned before proceeding. It means expectations are clear – as are ours – and that key bodies are brought into the process from early on.

Data gathering

We are typically called in by leaders who want to explore opportunities or address challenges. While we are experienced in what we do, no two situations are the same so we engage key stakeholders & clarify the situation before making initial proposals.

Review, contracting & developing

People are much more committed if they are closely involved. What’s more, no-one knows our clients’ business like the people who work there. We review the data gathering & agree next steps before working with internal leaders to develop the right solutions.


We work alongside internal leaders & stakeholders as far as possible, whether coaching leaders or their teams, facilitating change or strategic workshops, or training for capability. We believe this ensures the messages are relevant & makes the part we play more cost effective.


We are committed to refining & building on experience & make sure we build-in measures from the beginning that enable us to monitor outcomes and adapt to results as they emerge.

Planning to disengage

External consultants play a valuable role yet they are not the people who have to keep things going. As a discipline & as a way to ensure we address what is needed to sustain progress we talk openly about our own withdrawal from the project. Although we are frequently re-engaged for follow-up work, we aspire to develop approaches that build mobilisation, energy & sustainability.

In practice you will see us:

  • carrying out research
  • engaging stakeholders
  • administering organisation surveys or psychometrics
  • holding focus groups
  • facilitating workshops, retreats, strategy reviews & conferences
  • coaching leaders and teams
  • training people
  • suggesting and implementing systems that monitor and measure commitments in practice


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